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Ratchet Effortless Garlic Press
Electric Gravity Salt Pepper and Spice Grinder

Ratchet lemon & lime squeezer


Innovative ergonomics

Only force multiplier lemon juicer
Our comprehensive examination of ergonomics has led us to incorporate the ratchet principle into kitchen tools used on a daily basis, resulting in an easier and much efficient cooking experience.
The ratchet mechanism allows for maximum juice extraction with minimal effort, making it easier and quicker to get the job done compared to manual lemon squeezers.
Makes lemon squeezing very easy. Specially designed for the elderly, people suffer from arthritis or have weak wrists.


Designed to press lemon, lime, citrus, Yuzu -even unripe fruit which are particularly hard

Rack system with successive pressures to multiply the force and ensure a totally effortless use
Light pressures of even intensity on the handles leads to the lemon yielding its juice.
Requires absolutely NO effort

Yields 100% of the juice, contrary to all competitive devices
Retains pulp and seeds

What makes the difference

-Ergonomic handles designed for effortless grip

-Multiple adjustment positions

-Locking and unlocking ratchets : press the two ratchets to easily free the beak.

-Split ratchet to reduce the intensity of the effort provided

Mass market product that offers a practical and affordable solution . Accessible and usable for everyone, regardless of age or physical ability. This includes people with limited hand mobility or dexterity.
After a thorough reflection on ergonomics, we have decided to implement the ratchet principle in the design of some kitchen gadgets – mostly hand-operated tools that are used on a daily basis, to provide a more comfortable and user-friendly experience.
By understanding your specific needs and challenges, we can continue to make improvements that enhance the users’ overall experience. Whether you have a specific concern or just a general observation, your feedback is valuable to us, thank you !

Ratchet Effortless Garlic Press
Electric Gravity Salt Pepper and Spice Grinder
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